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Types, Causes, And Natural Treatments For Dry Cough

Types, Causes, And Natural Treatments For Dry Cough

Types, causes, and natural treatments for dry cough A cough is nothing but a reflex caused by the body to clear your airway of irritants and mucus. Generally, coughs can either be productive or non-productive.
An Overview Of Turmeric And Curcumin

An Overview Of Turmeric And Curcumin

An overview of turmeric and curcumin Our world is full of wondrous spices. In ancient Asian culture, spices and natural remedies are given a lot of importance. However, even in our country, we are slowly becoming aware of these superfoods and incorporating them into our diets.
Turmeric Curcumin- Side-Effects And Uses

Turmeric Curcumin- Side-Effects And Uses

Turmeric curcumin- Side-effects and uses Turmeric is a spice that is derived from the turmeric plant. It is a common ingredient in many cuisines, especially, Indian and South Asian. The taste of turmeric, as a standalone spice, is warm and bitter, but it is usually combined with curry powder or mustard or other spices while cooking.
Apple Cider Vinegar Diet For Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet For Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar diet for weight loss Apple cider vinegar is made by first crushing the apples and adding yeast. This helps the sugar in apples to turn to alcohol.
Things To Know About The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Things To Know About The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Things to know about the apple cider vinegar diet Apple cider vinegar consists of various nutrients including vitamin B, biotin, niacin, and folic acid. It contains phosphorus, sodium, and iron among others as well.
Everything To Know About Swollen Ankles

Everything To Know About Swollen Ankles

What You Need to Know about A Swollen Ankle There are days when your foot seems to swell up, ache badly, and appears a size bigger than it normally is.
Enjoy shoe shopping using Payless shoe coupons

Enjoy shoe shopping using Payless shoe coupons

Shoes can make or break your appearance. Your dressing style remains incomplete without proper matching shoes. Come rain or shine, you must have shoes for every occasion, be it casual or formal.
Easy slow cooked recipes that you must try

Easy slow cooked recipes that you must try

Slow cookers are used for low temperature cooking. Low temperature cooking is a cooking technique that cooks food at temperatures 50 to 90 °Celsius for a prolonged time. Low-temperature cooking methods include sous vide cooking, which is nothing but vacuum-sealed slow cooking.
Common causes, symptoms and treatment of stomach cancer

Common causes, symptoms and treatment of stomach cancer

There are many different kinds of cancers that can affect the body, and it is one of the top fatal diseases to be found globally, as per many reports by the WHO.
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia – Everything You Should Know

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia – Everything You Should Know

Cancer can be a deadly disease which leaves people with many complications if they do manage to undergo treatment to get over the same. There are many kinds of this disease which can afflict many people in many different ways, the world over.
Easy and meaty brown rice recipes

Easy and meaty brown rice recipes

This is a known fact that brown rice is a healthy alternative to white rice, but we seldom find it as a part of our diets. Its intact bran and germ is filled with rich nutrients and antioxidants, aiding in heart functions and better digestion.
Easy and healthy brown rice recipes

Easy and healthy brown rice recipes

Brown rice is an underdog amongst all the food elements, but it is one of the healthiest ingredients one could ever find. It is loaded with fibers, proteins, minerals, antioxidants which stabilize the sugar as well as the weight.