Tips to Buy the Right Car Battery
Buying the right kind and quality of car battery is of utmost importance because it is one of the deciding factors in your car’s performance. A car battery gives power to the engine of your car and gives charge to all the other electronic and electrical accessories. To zero down upon the right kind of car battery, you can find out the sort of battery suitable for your car by checking the maintenance guide that comes with the vehicle.
Check for car batteries which have got good reviews from automobile enthusiasts as well as companies which test consumer products. Finally, after you have made the purchase, you must make it a point to dispose of the old battery in a responsible manner.

Selecting the right battery type
Different vehicles require varying amounts of power to function. Accordingly, different cars may need batteries that are differently sized. You should examine your car’s maintenance guide properly for information on what kind of battery it needs. If you do not have the care and maintenance guide at present, you need to take the car to a professional mechanic. They will assist you in zeroing down on the battery type that your car needs.
Additionally, you must make it a point to purchase a car battery which is suitable for the climate in your area. Batteries that are suitable for hot climates are usually labeled “S” indicating “South”.
Choose a maintenance-free battery
It is always wiser to buy a car battery that can function free of maintenance. This saves you a lot of hassle. Such car batteries are tightly sealed and need no extra attention at all. Most of the car batteries that are available in the market today are anyway maintenance free. However, certain types of maintenance free batteries may need a periodic water fill up. Nevertheless, you should save yourself future efforts by buying a good quality maintenance free battery.
Read consumer reviews online
While buying a battery for your car, you should always read consumer reviews that are available on various online platforms. Vehicle batteries are regularly tested by automobile enthusiasts as well as consumer protection organizations. Check out the consumer reporting websites and automobile blogs to get information on the kinds and qualities of car batteries that are sold. These vehicle batteries are typically rated on the basis of their power and longevity. Reviews give you a better picture of the quality of the car battery that you intend to buy and help you make a wise comparison.
Avoid buying old batteries
You must refrain from buying old or used car batteries, even at discounted prices. Even if not used, batteries tend to lose their strength if they are stored for a long time. Always purchase a car battery which was manufactured within the past five or six months.
Certain car batteries have the manufacturing dates printed on them. However, some other batteries may have the date in the form of a code, where A indicates the month of January, B indicates February, and so on. However, the alphabet I is excluded in the order.
Test the battery annually
You must make it a point to visit the local professional mechanic annually. Check your battery to know if it is still functioning properly. In case it is not, you should replace the old battery with a new one. Begin such annual visits to the mechanic after your car is around two years old if you are in a hot or warm climate. If you live in colder weather conditions, you can start visiting the mechanic on a yearly basis when the car is four years old.